Thursday, October 13, 2005

Promoting the website

Sometimes I wonder why the English site and forum I've created for Klaus books are not as popular as Russian site and forum? Maybe it's just because it's not in top results on search engines? It's the obvious answer and I shall correct this. One way is to do more SEO (search engine optimization) and another way is to put the site on commercial hosting, which is also an SEO move.

Talk with a friend from Indonesia about hosting and website promotion:

> Could you advice me on an international hosting company to use?

i use they are in USA, and have one-time webhosting plan (means you only have to pay one-time, no monthly/annual fee) choose from US$10 to US$30 one-time plan

> Also I wonder why I have so low quantity of visitors on a site

hahaha, that is also happening to me after i create some website
you have to promote it (but basically you only have to have good content, your site slowly will have many visitors)
-exchange links with similar website
-participate in similar forum
-give something free on your website
-create good content/article
-submit your site to search engine,
but choose good keyword will list your site automatically, other search engine need you to submit your site to them (free submits - 1, 2, 3)

> Maybe search engines give it low rating because it's on a free hosting service?

no, basically, if other website have links to your site, that means your website is good. the more website have link to your site, the more high your rank will be on search engine

Pages in other languages

I guess it's about the time to create small pages on love and Klaus Joehle books in other languages. Any volunteers for German, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and other languages?

About me and my interests

Hi everybody! I decided to create a blog and here it is. I'm going to post here stuff on love (thing I'm very much interested in) and on my life.

About me: I live in Kiev, Ukraine and in 1998 I found books by Osho Rajneesh. I was deeply interested in Osho's outlook on life and love and looked up the internet for more info on love. That's how I found Klaus Joehle and his book "The Messenger", which was called back then "There is an Angel under my bed and a Dragon inside". This is a book on how you can feel much love at all the times and how you can do real world magic with this love. Since then I've translated this and other Klaus books into Russian (Russian site about Klaus Joehle books) and today they are being published in Russia. Also my friends and I have a forum where we talk in Russian about what Klaus calls "working with love". This forum gives so much new and interesting material on working with love!