Friday, November 10, 2006

book auction

Today I'm looking for info on "How to conduct a book auction?"

Asked it at Yahoo Answers.

Here is a nice piece I found:

"Sometimes an agent will decide you have a particularly hot book (and knows several publishers who would love to acquire it). In this case, she will conduct a book auction, where she will give the houses a date and time by which they need to make their offers. My book, MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS, was auctioned and it was fun receiving updates about the incoming bids. The book auction is typically conducted over the phone and can proceed in a variety of ways, such as round by round (letting a publisher know they will need to increase their offer), or simply by best bid offers. " Source

Here is another piece:

"If you’re lucky, there is tremendous enthusiasm and you can set up an auction or have an impromptu auction. This is when you go in rounds, publisher by publisher, to get increasingly larger offers (see my website for a more complete explanation). Or maybe just one or two publishers want to buy. Either way, it can be a tricky situation, and I just realized that this wasn’t part of the question anyway!" Source

Great article on book auctions by Barbara DeMarco-Barrett!

And this is the first piece I found:

"A book auction can take many shapes and forms. The basic premise is that you have more than one publisher who wants to buy your book project. Your agent will then give the houses a date and time by which they need to make their offers. The auction, which is conducted over the phone, can then proceed round by round, or by best bid offers, or via a variety of other options. Agents vary in the way they conduct auctions and in the frequency with which they conduct them. Some agents auction every title they sell, and some reserve the auction for only those books for which they anticipate a great deal of interest." Source

Monday, July 10, 2006

I Love Literary Agents!

It's almost a year since I created account here. But at that time I decided to post at Live Journal.
NOw I began actively looking for Publisher or Literary Agent for my friend Klaus Joehle and found that all the Literary Agents live right here (Miss Snark, the literary agent , , The Man in Black , - and decided to be here to pick their minds and make friends with them. (Oh a lot of agent's blogs and writer's resources are listed also here.)

Now I Love Literary Agents!
Before I thought that an Agent is just an unnecessary link in a chain.
But now, after seeing how VES -- the Russian publisher of Klaus Joehle books is listening to my recomendations on what books they should publish, I realize that Literay Agents are friends of authors. Like me -- I'm acting like a friend to those authors I recomend to VES, isn't it?

So I'm advising Klaus to find an agent for his book "Living on Love - The Messenger". In case you are interested, here is a little bit about it:

Word count:
70,000 word, 370,000 characters with spaces

Short synopsis:
Rainy night. Klaus comes to a bar. Strangers talk to him and ask for his story. So he tells how he searched for happiness with no succeess. About mysteries events that made him want to live. How he used meditation to win sports bets (instructions). And how this brought him face to face with an Angel from his childhood plays at the forest. Angel teaches Klaus the magic of sending love. Stories on how Klaus used sending love to get all he has dreamed about. Instructions for sending love.

This book was translated into Russian and has sold 65,000 copies in less than one year since September 2005. People love it!

About the Author:
Klaus Joehle was born in Germany and spent his childhood playing with trees and an Angel in a forest. Had ET experiences, visited alien ships. At the age 9 was sent to live in Canada. At adult age during 10 years for several night a week in a sleep he was living through 30 years of the life of Asian Conqueror Genghis Khan.
For many years Klaus studied meditation and related subjects. Then he dared to use it for practical purpose of winning money at sport bets. He found a working method (and writes about it in "The Messenger") but also in the process he found more important information about Love, it's Power, and how to use it in everyday life, to make everything better. He shares this in "The Messenger" book. Now he is living with his wife on a ship on a Vancouver Island. More >>
Articles about Klaus Joehle and by him had appeared in “Spirit of Maat” webzine by Drunvalo Melchizedek, founder of the “Flower of Life” seminars.

(My Publishing page. Free Agent Verification.)