Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Listened to half of Drunvalo talk

Yesterday listened to Drunvalo Melchizedek talk "The Maya of Ethernal time". In translation to Russian - so that Gala and my mom would understand. Drunvalo says 2012 or 2015 will bring severe things. I believe that everything will go as usual. His info I take as legendary information - it's not info, but a key, that changes something in your head. Overall he is very good!

But the talk is very long, so we listened to only half of it.

Who is Drunvalo Melchizedek?

What am I doing in Kiev?

Went to dacha to pick apples:

на даче

Киев. На даче

Also I stroll Kiev streets:

Фотки с улиц Киева

Фотки с улиц Киева

Фотки с улиц Киева
Break-dance on the main street

Крещатик. Гонки по тротуару
Main street. Parking allowed

Киев. Бул. Шевченко. Памятник Ленину в лесах для реставрации после акта политвандализма

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Moved my blog here

Folks, I decided to move my blog here from Livejournal.
So read my older posts there.

I am eating berries
«I am eating berries» на Яндекс.Фотках